Our Values
We believe that the local church is administrated through the "Angelos", who is the Senior/lead Pastor alongside a team of Elders.
Worship & Word Ministry
We give ourselves faithfully to Biblical expressions of praise and worship; we desire to be established in God's present truth and to celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer & Fasting
We are committed to personal and corporate prayer and fasting because without the Lord we can do nothing.
We strongly believe in the family unit and we are committed to its strength as a building block of our local Church and society.
Covenant Relationships
We are committed to walking in love and unity in our home, our Church, among different ethic groups, and amongst other Churches in our country.
We seek to extend the Kingdom of God when we go out into our neighbourhood estates to witness for Jesus Christ and to pray for the people and to meet their needs.
We seek to give generously to mission works overseas and also serve in overseas missions through Short-Term Outreach Ministry (STORM).
CareNet Groups (Cell Groups)
We are committed to edifying the members of the local church and reaching people through cell-groups where they can receive quality love and care.
Youth Ministry
We want to see the Christian faith propagated through future generations - in the lives of our children and our young people. Therefore we place priority to reach and minister to the youth in our church and country.
We believe the purpose of material and financial blessings in our lives is to help extend the Kingdom of God as we invest financially in eternal things.
We will faithfully minister the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that the lives of people - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically - can be restored.