Core Ministries
In line with our beliefs and vision, Christian Community Chapel functions with 4 core ministries that include:
Word Ministry
Worship Ministry
Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
CareNet Ministry (Cell Group)
Word Ministry
Our belief in Christ as Christians is predicated on our belief in the written Word of God, that is, Scripture as found in the Bible. As such, the teaching of the Word of God is the primary purpose of this local church, in order that believers be grounded and established in life.
Worship Ministry
Worship is integral to the Christian life. It is through worship that we express our love and devotion to God.
Youth Ministry
Youth are the life-blood of the next generation Church. We meticulously endeavour to ground our young people through the Word of God and wholesome activities so that they may grow to be responsible, mature and productive citizens.
Children's Ministry
Children are a gift from God. Therefore we place an emphasis in nurturing and developing the faith of children.
CareNet Ministry (Cell Groups)
The Church, as the Body of Christ, comprises many parts. Yet each part does not function on its own. The Church is meant to represent a body of like-minded believers who come together in affirmation of faith, love and truth. This is facilitated through small-group gatherings.